Medical supplies for Ukraine
Thanks for your help!
who we are
AG Ukrainehilfe
AG UKRAINEHILFE is an association of physicians from Regensburg and the surrounding area.
We use donations to buy and deliver medical supplies for Ukraine.
Dr Borys Frankewycz
Dr Daniel Wohl
Dr Przemyslav Slowik
Dr Ekaterina Nova
Dr Fabian Heudorfer
PD Dr Christopher Niessen
Martin Meyer
Jenny Schewe
Yulia Tsapyk
Julia Krasniansky
... and many more
how we help
Our help goes to hospitals and aid organizations in need in Ukraine without deducting administrative or other costs.
With collected funds we purchase medical goods: emergency service materials, surgical instruments, medicine and other urgently needed diagnostic and therapeutic medical products. The material is sorted, packed and sent directly by our volunteers and transported to hospitals in need in Ukraine.
Through direct contacts through our partner, Plast Inc., all funds are able to go directly to Ukrainian hospitals and aid organisations without any deductions for administrative or other costs.
How you can help
support our work
In order to support war victims and their families with medical, material and moral aid, we collect donations and procure urgently needed medical supplies.
company / large donations
medical donations in kind
Our donation account:
Account holder: Plast Conference Inc.
Please sent checks to
Plast Conference, Inc.
P.O. Box 491
Princeton Junction, New Jersey 08550
Reference: GR Medical Supplies for Ukraine
Urgently needed medical material will be organised through your monetary donations. It is sorted, packed and transported directly to hospitals in Ukraine by our volunteers. There are no deductions for administrative or other costs and all funds go directly to the hospitals and aid organisations. You will receive a donation receipt from Plast Inc. by providing your first and last name, address and email.
(501 (c)(3) donation receipts can be issued opon request. For this purpose, we ask that you send an email to stating your first and last name and address, amount and date of donation).
If you are a company or association and want to donate a larger sum, we suggest one of our following "care packages".
We can also provide you with other donations projects from our database. Please contact us.
If you want to donate medical devices (in good condition), we can use our contacts to find the right hospital recipients. In particular, wound care sets, bandages,
surgical equipment, surgical disposables and diagnosticsal wquipment. We collect centrally in Regensburg and transport directly to Ukraine.
Here are specific requests from our Ukrainian partner clinics
AG Ukrainehilfe Medizinierschaft Regensburg
is a voluntary initiative of Regensburg physicians
Responsible for the content:
Dr Przemyslav Slowik
Dr Borys Frankewycz
The supporting organisation is the "Ukrainischer Pfadfinderbund in Deutschland e.V.",
who handles the financial and administrative processing of the donations.
Information according to § 5 TMG:
AG Ukrainehilfe Medizinerschaft Regensburg
Dr Przemyslav Slowik
Regerstrasse 8d
93053 Regensburg
Conception, design: Martin Meyer, martin.meyer[at]