Help for Odessa
Odessa and Regensburg have been twin towns since 1990. Now Odessa has also become the focus of the Russian-Ukrainian war. This is associated with major bottlenecks in medical care. As Regensburg residents, we want to offer our support here as well.
Opernhaus Odessa (ukrainisch: Одеський національний академічний театр опери та балету/Odesskyj nazionalnyj akademitschnyj teatr opery ta balety
© Marienko Andrew
© Marienko Andrew
Opernhaus Odessa (ukrainisch: Одеський національний академічний театр опери та балету/Odesskyj nazionalnyj akademitschnyj teatr opery ta balety
Together with our Regensburg patrons, we have started a fundraising campaign especially for the Odessa clinics and ask for your support:
Klaus Eder
Marcus Mittermaier
Prof. Dr. Bernd Salzberger
Anton Schmaus
Prof. Dr. Christian Stroszczynski
Prof. Dr. medical Michael Nerlich
Meike Fabian
Elmar Cichy
Gayle Tufts
Our donation account:
Account holder: Ukrainischer Pfadfinderbund in Deutschland e.V.
IBAN: DE30 7007 0024 0222 0473 00
Bank: Deutsche Bank München
Transaction Reference: Donation medical help for Odessa
or donate here:
Help us - every euro counts!
Thanks very much!
(Donation receipts can be issued from a donation
EUR 50.00 can be issued on request.
For this we ask for an email to:
stating first and last name
and address, amount and date of donation).