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For companies, organizations or communities:

Our need-based care packages

If you want to support us with a larger donation towards a targeted cause, we suggest one of our following care packages.


These specific requests for medical aid have come directly from doctors in Ukraine and their personal handover at the destination is ensured. Thanks to our contacts in the industry and trade, the projects can be implemented cost-efficiently and effectively.


  1. You choose one of the following care packages and transfer the corresponding donation amount to our account (see below).

  2. We take care of the purchase, delivery and administration.

  3. After approx. 2-3 months you will receive:

 - a 501 (c)(3) donation receipt,

 - a short project report,

 - a formal thank you certificate,

 - as well as photo material for your annual report.


Some of our care packages are listed below as examples.  The target clinic can be agreed upon individually.

Set of 80-100 External fixation units

for the treatment of open fractures (reusable). Made in Ukraine


"Donation Plast Germany AG Ukrainehilfe - External Fixators"

OP-Sieb (Externer Fixateur)

US$ 8,600

10 kW emergency generator

Emergency generator for medium-sized medical units.



"Donation Plast Germany AG Ukrainehilfe - 10kW Generator"

Gen 10kW.jpg

US$ 3,750

3 kW emergency generator

Emergency generator for mobile medical units.



"Donation Plast Germany AG Ukrainehilfe - 3kW Generator"

US$ 1,950

Gen 5kW.jpg

Sample image - device may vary depending on availability

Sample image - device may vary depending on availability

100 kW  emergency generator

Emergency generator to supply hospitals.



"Donation Plast Germany AG Ukrainehilfe - 100kW Generator"

US$ 27,000

Gen 100kW.jpg

Sample image - device may vary depending on availability

Mobile ultrasound device

for the acute diagnostics of severely injured people.


"Donation Plast Germany AG Ukrainehilfe - Ultrasound"

US$ 4,600

Mobiles Ultraschall-Gerät

Mobile X-ray machine

for the acute diagnostics of severely injured people.


"Donation Plast Germany AG Ukrainehilfe - X-Ray"

US$ 40,500

OP fluoroscopy device (C-arm)

for intraoperative visualization of fractures, vascular lesions, and other injuries.


"Donation Plast Germany AG Ukrainehilfe - Flouroscope"

US$ 26,700


Sample image - device may vary depending on availability

50 sets for wound care

for emergency treatment of open wounds.


"Donation Plast Germany AG Ukrainehilfe - Suture kits"

US$ 6,400

Chirurgische Sets.jpg

Sample image - items may vary depending on availability and individual needs

Example image - device may vary based on availability

Surgical instruments

to perform critical surgeries (trauma, vascular and general surgery interventions), reusable.


"Donation Plast Germany AG Ukrainehilfe - Surgical Instruments "

Sample image - instruments may vary depending on availability and individual needs

US$ 8,600

  If you have any questions, it is best to contact us by email or telephone*, and we will be happy to provide you with more detailed information about the manufacturers, transport, destination clinics or other details.


 For every need-based donation, you will receive a short report, a thank you letter from the receiving clinic and, of course, a 503 (c)(3) donation receipt. You are also welcome to make a donation on behalf of others or dedicate your donation to someone for whom we will issue a certificate of gratitude.


 * Telephone: +49-15678-261284.  Due to our 100% voluntary work, we cannot always be reached by phone.  You will be called back within 1-2 days.

Our donation account:
Account holder: Plast Conference Inc.

Please sent checks to

Plast Conference, Inc.

P.O. Box 491

Princeton Junction, New Jersey 08550

Reference: GR Medical Supplies for Ukraine

Please email us for donations via wire transfer or if you want to send us a check to a physical address.

(501 (c)(3) donation receipts can be issued opon request. For this purpose, we ask that you send us an email to stating your first and last name and address, amount and date of donation).

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